Do you work on something everyday that drives you to where you want to be? It's important to remember that you are the only one who can decide what your future is going to look like. Sometimes it will be hard--extremely hard. The only one who can find the inner strength to work through to it, is you. How do you do this?
That's hard, too. Life's not always easy. However, once you understand and embrace that concept, you can begin to make a plan. One baby step at a time, you can decide to take an action that moves toward or away from your goal.
Sometimes that step is a step of motion, sometimes it's a step of relaxation. But regardless of that step, it's important that it challenges you to reach your ultimate goal. You can have all the teachers in the world, but you're the only one who can to take the knowledge into your life and use it. Go get 'em, puppy.