Dog Training Cat Tip of the Day: Remember what you see online, on TV, and in magazines is not a full picture of what's going on actually in life--typically you see the best of the moment (or in this case, a very cute interpretation). Don't be disillusioned if what is happening in real life is not quite what you see in the photos :)  -Cenicero, #dogtrainingcat

Dog Training Cat Tip of the Day: Welcoming home a new dog! Step #1 keep him on a leash and guide him through the nucleus of your house. You don't know this dog, so you don't know if it will get fearful and run from you, gey excited and plow through your sliding glasd door, or go into drive and go after (attack mode) your other pets. By keeping a new dog on a leash when they are out of their crate (this means no free roam- dog is under control and leashed) and keeping the rooms your dog needs to know right now to a minimum, you create a very predictable easy-to-adjust to routine. Don't overwhelm your dog and discredit yourself as the leader of your household by giving a dog too much freedom too soon. -Cenicero, #dogtrainingcat

There are things in life that are not fun and you extremely dislike, but for the better good you must do it. It's really really easy to do the things you like, but taking care of the stuff you don't is HARD. Remember this--you never grow without challenging yourself. It's the hard stuff that teaches us the most.

Do you have goals? Do you work daily at achieving them? They don't just happen overnight--you have to do a lot of little things on your journey of moving you closer to what you want. In training dogs and training you, it's all about the little things and little choices you make everyday that move you in the right or wrong direction. It's easy to reach for goals, but it's more work to stand up, get moving, and achieve them.