You have to make time for yourself. If you spend too much time trying to multitask, squeeze a ton of things into one sitting, or pressure yourself to get it "all done" by a certain deadline, you're bound to struggle. I'm not discouraging you from trying to accomplish your goals, or even challenge yourself to be better or do more! But, if your plate is full and you're not getting the quality results you typically would be--take a moment and think about what is at the foundation of it all. YOU. If you're falling apart at the seams, your output is bound to be more than shaky. Accidents and slip ups are bound to happen if you arn't at 100%. Make sure you take a little time for yourself. Rest. Pamper. Do something for you that involves very little thought. Give yourself that moment in the sun! Because, before you know it, you're back to the grind. Don't let the idea of reaching your final goal allow you to run the marathon without a water break.
It can be tempting to reach the finish line early, but know that the quality product you put out is only as good as the quality of the individual putting in. Be your best self, and share your best results!