Everyone's got a story about where they came from and who they are. This is my story.
My name is Cenicero (pronounced sin-e-sair-row). I'm a cat who went from being a lonely little kitten walking the streets, to a well known dog trainer. But please, let me start at the beginning.
At 5 weeks old I made a run across a busy road, and weaseled my way in the wheel well of a mini-van. Before I knew it, this red-haired girl was laying on the ground prying me out of the wheel work. She rushed me--snot nosed, goober eyed, flea ridden, and greasy--back to a car where I met the bearded guy. And that's where it started. My new life.
They also had two other creatures at their home. I liked them--they reminded me of myself (furry and warm) and I instantly bonded with these guys. They were like larger versions of grease ball kitties like me. Their names were Ramses and Mowgli, and they were dogs. My dogs.
I couldn't remember my kitty family, but I liked this one a lot: the red-haired girl, the bearded guy, and my dogs. I didn't know much about being a kitty, so the dogs raised me the best they could--to be like and understand dogs. For that, I owe them everything. For finding my inner dog...and releasing it feline style.
Soon, one by one, the red-haired girl brought another dog to the house. And another. And another. It turned out she was something of a "dog trainer." She helped dogs practice self control, make better choices, and learn how to be good--like my dogs! She called me a "great distraction" for these dogs during their training. What she didn't realize--I was a secret weapon, her missing link, that was just waiting to be released.
You see, I challenge them to be better. To be the most patient, attentive, obedient, tolerant, and well-rounded dogs they can be.
I want you to know--behind every good dog is a cat that, at one point or another, taught them something about life.